Friday, 5 November 2010

Post production continues - pre production begins... the filmmaking circle just goes around and around

Not much of an exciting blog post, I will admit, but I felt it was time for a small update. 

The producers of Night is Day - The Movie, have now watched the first cut and have told me that they are happy with the flow of the story but they have notes on changes they feel will benefit the movie, so I look forward to reading them - although I am slightly terrified too haha. 

Then again, anything that does get cut-out will likely go on a DVD as "deleted scenes", so nothing is lost forever, which is nice.

It feels like a life time ago since we started making the movie - in fact I've moved house twice in that time - and I already miss it. We only wrapped in August and my life has been a mix of editing the movie, promoting the movie and working on corporate video work to pay the bills.

I've started writing my next feature, well, I started writing my next feature a year before I wrote Night is Day, but I've went back and chipped away at the script for "Get Funded" (working title - other favourites are "Go Fund Yourself" and "Fund It!") which is a comedy about three filmmakers who are so desperate to make their movie that they resort to robbing people and exploiting them - only to get mixed up with gangsters and the police. 

"Night is Day" is a miracle, really, because we're in Scotland and it got made. We didn't wait for someone to give us a big wad of cash to make it, and we were VERY lucky to find a cast and crew who understood that it's far more important to make a movie, rather than wait until someone gives you the money to do so.

I'm not saying the movie is going to win awards for being clever, thought-provoking or ground-breaking but I am DEFINITELY saying that if you like Doctor Who, Angel, Buffy, Spider-Man, Torchwood, superhero movies, Scottish movies, then you will (hopefully) enjoy this movie. 

Now that we've made the £3,000 movie, we can take it to investors, distributors, sales agents, private sources of funding with a pitch for "Get Funded/Fund It/Go Fund Yourself" in the hope that they will give us enough money to pay everybody, get the equipment and whatever costs come up along the way (locations, props, costumes etc) and that we can make a Scottish comedy next Summer. 

Once "Night is Day" has been "locked" (where the actual movie itself won't change shot wise) we then take it to the composer, sound designers and visual effects artists who will work on it and then it will be coloured and graded.

Whoever says making movies is easy is lying, but it is a LOT of fun.

That's enough of a blog post for now...

Later folks.