Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Edging towards the middle of post-production...

(The Caillech, portrayed by Catriona Joss - Night is Day, Feature Film)

The 5th edit of "Night is Day" has been approved by the two producers, Lindsay and Gavin, and as such has been sent off to Jack Ashley and Gillian Glencross to work on tidying up the sound, adding in sound effects and re-recording any dialogue which needs done to ensure we have the highest quality sound.

Meanwhile Mathew Crisp along with Tinko Dimov and Ewan Smith are in charge of the special effects which will be seen throughout the movie - including Jason's lightning powers, demons being blown up, factory's being supercharged with electricity, floating creatures etc. 

We shot the film on digital HD on a Sony EX3 - which is pretty high quality, but shooting on digital is obvious to the human eye so once the film has all the effects completed we will need to grade each scene, giving each scene it's own tone and making it look like a film. Examples of this can be seen in the trailer, and our ten minute sizzle reel.

The final piece of the jigsaw is Philip Martin - our film's composer - Philip scored series 2 of the web series on which the film is loosely based on - he will be working on the themes to the characters and the overall score, as well as introducing solo artists to record live instrument sessions to make the score more professional and cinematic. 

Our goal is to take the film to the American Film Market in November so we're frantically trying to raise £3000 so we can pay for flights, passes and accommodation. There we can meet with hundreds of distributors and show them the movie in hope they will want to buy it off us and put it in cinemas in America and maybe in the UK too.

And then? Hopefully what everybody wants - funding! Proper funding, real money to buy props, locations, kit AND pay the cast and crew a wage to work on my next project!

...which is one of two films, but we'll get to that later.

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