Back in 2010 I wrote and directed a little Scottish superhero film, Night is Day, produced by Gavin Orr and Lindsay Dowell of Goldray Productions, Andrew Dougall of Andrew Dougall Films and Ross Hardie. The film was a spin-off/wrap up of the web series of the same name/theme/universe (watch it here if you wish!) shot over 19 days at weekends in the Summer of 2010. We raised around £4500 to make it, our cast and crew signed up for a share of the profits if we sold the film and away we went. The film was completed in time for it's premiere at the Glasgow Film Festival in February 2012 and after a jaunt to the American Film Market in LA, the film has now been picked up by Shami Media in New York!
They are currently designing the art work for the DVD and will be shopping it around festivals and distribution markets, so fingers crossed they sell it soon and the extremely hard working cast and crew can get something for their troubles.
Okay, so it's not a ground-breaking Hollywood Blockbuster, but it's my first film. I'm really proud of what we managed to achieve. I purposely stepped away from Scottish cliches. There are no drugs, the violence is of a superhero nature, and there is only one ned/chav/thug and he gets dealt with accordingly. Like my friend Tam Toye, who stars in the film as the villainous Mr. Philips, who also made his own James Bond style feature film, "Infiltrated", we wanted to show that Scotland has more to offer than depression, violence, and people with painted blue faces. We're more than kilts and ginger hair (although we are that too!)
We had lots of fun at Collectormania Glasgow in 2010 and in 2011. Here are the highlights for 2010, with Mark Harvey, who plays Frank Stone, killer assassin, singing The Lord of The Rings: The Musical...
We had lots of fun at Collectormania Glasgow in 2010 and in 2011. Here are the highlights for 2010, with Mark Harvey, who plays Frank Stone, killer assassin, singing The Lord of The Rings: The Musical...
Until it's been picked up you can watch it on Distrify for either £1.99 to rent it, or £3.99 to buy it. There's even a trailer so you can make your mind up based on a 2 minute clip!
Hopefully I've come some way since writing the movie about 3, 4 years ago, and it's helped me decide that I would much rather write for TV than film. But hey, it's my starting point.