"Night is Day" The Movie became a reality in September 2009 when the script was completed and pre-production began. What followed was a long process of assembling the crew, auditioning the cast, rehearsing the script, fight rehearsals, location hunting.
On June 5th 2010 the cameras started rolling.
On August 28th 2010 we wrapped.
After immersing myself in a LOT of superhero movies (The Dark Knight, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Unbreakable, and Push) the editing process has began. So far 28 minutes of "Night is Day" The Movie is laid down in the Final Cut Pro session. Once a rough cut is completed it will go to Lindsay and Gavin, my two wonderful producers, who will go through it again and again and from there we can start to shape the movie the way we want it to look.
Everybody is working hard already - Philip Martin has started to think about the score, contacting world famous musicians to work on the score with him - contacting upcoming singers and bands to contribute their work to our soundtrack.
Ash Loydon is working on pieces of art for the opening title sequence while Jack Ashley and Gillian Glencross starts to think about the sound design and so forth and so forth. It will be a long process but we hope to get the film ready in time for a Summer 2011 release.
With Mark Millar, creator of graphic novels "Kick Ass" and "Wanted" has now started filming his own Scottish superhero movie - he watched our trailer and said it looked fantastic, also stating that his film was different, with a darker tone - so you're in for a treat.
Sonja Blietschau and Dougie Coull were both at Collectormania Glasgow this year taking lots of photos - documenting the two day event where Danny John Jules, Chris Barrie, Dominic Keating and Sylvester McCoy visited our stall and gave us two thumbs up for our movie. Check out some of the photos below!
Star Trek: Enterprise and Heroes star Dominic Keating with cast and crew
Red Dwarf and Tomb Raider star Chris Barrie supports the movie.
Sylvester McCoy, who played the 7th incarnation of The Doctor in Doctor Who popped along to say hello!
Danny John-Jules, who played The Cat in Red Dwarf supports the movie too.
There's lots of work left to go but we'll get there and all going well this will be the start of a prosperous film and TV career for us all.
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