Just a quick update on what Silly Wee Films is up to at the moment...
"Night is Day - The Movie" is our debut feature, starring Chris Summers, John Gaffney, Kirsty Anderson, Clare Sheppard, Steven McEwan, Tam Toye, Mark Harvey, Catriona Joss, Colin McCredie, Elaine C Smith, Tiger Tim Stevens MBE and Simon Weir - Night is Day is an action drama superhero film set in Scotland. The film was shot between June and August 2010 and is currently in post production with a 2011 release date earmarked.
Visit http://www.nightisday.net/ for more information.
"Night is Day - The Series" is set BEFORE the movie - meet the characters from the movie, as Jason learns to deal with his powers and fights the evil businessman Mr. Philips. Series 1 was filmed in 2007 and can be seen for free at http://www.sillyweefilms.co.uk/nightisday.htm.
Series 2, which has 7 episodes lasting 25 minutes each, is nearing it's post production and will be online soon!
http://www.nightisday.co.uk/ for more information.
"Get Funded" - Working Title - is a comedy focussing on three best friends, Katie, Mark and Chris, as they try to find the money to make their first feature film - even if that means robbing people! The film is currently in pre-production with the script being completed. We will then seek funding and start auditioning, finding the crew, locations, props etc. Hopefully shooting in 2011.
Apart from that we're still working on promotional videos, corporate website adverts, music videos and showreels. 2010 is nearly over but 2011 is going to be filled up with great videos, movies and memories.
Bring it on!
To be a part of Silly Wee Films please send your CV, headshot and details to contact@sillyweefilms.com - we can't promise you anything but we do consider everybody!
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