Wednesday, 22 May 2013

One Year Later - To the festivals!


My latest short, a supernatural rom-com entitled "One Year Later" starring Rhys Teare-Williams, Mark Wood and April Pearson, was shot over the weekend of the 27th and 28th of April in Glasgow. As of 4am yesterday morning it was completed!

Major kudos goes to April Pearson, Mark Wood, Rhys-Teare Williams, Simon Weir, Tam Toye, Paul Murray, Claire Mcguire, Sarah Mooney, Julie D Dunn, Scott Forrest, Anne Nicholson, Sean P Gill, Sharon Clark, Claire Dell, Ailsa Macaffery, Samantha Pake, John Cox, Dougie Coull, Drew Taylor, Megan Lumsden, Rachael Darroch, Katy Taylor and Sophie Barlow for you are a fantastic cast and crew. We turned this film around in a spectacular amount of time and you should all be very proud.

Yesterday I posted the short off to the Deep Fried Film Festival and the Loch Ness Film Festival (proof below) and we'll be sending it off to the likes of Raindance, Sundance, LA Short Film Festival, etc, in the hope that we'll get screened there.

It was genuinely a smooth process. A week after we wrapped Anne and I went through all the footage, deciding which shots we liked the most, then I left her and she got on with the editing and sent me scene by scene. As soon as Anne had locked the picture we sent it to Sean to work on the sound, then to John to work on the special effects and Sam to score. Everybody sent their work to approve on time, then we made changes where necessary and then everybody delivered their work on time. Anne dropped in the effects in the editor, graded the film and Sean mixed in Sam's music and everything was finished by the 20th of May, 4 days spare to send it off to the first festivals.

I can only hope every shoot after this is as smooth...

Fingers crossed eh?

(Me posting off the film to the first two festivals)

And on Sunday I'll be filming a horror film for a competition... exciting times!

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