Sunday 17 February 2013

One Year Later - 25% of the way there!

With 40 days left to raise the £2,000 we need to shoot our new short film, "One Year Later", I am proud to announce that we are now at 25% of the way there and we have raised £506 so far! All of our backers will be receiving a special short film collection on DVD. When we hit the £1000, £1500 and £2000 milestones we'll be releasing more bonus perks for our backers.

Tomorrow we're meeting with our costume person, Katy Taylor, and locking down dates to audition the two more roles that we're casting and then we will be looking at locking down locations and equipment.

Thank you SO much to everybody who is supporting us. Please share the link to the fundraising campaign to your friends and family, follow us on Twitter and Like Us on Facebook! Then hopefully in the Summer we can share our film with you!

Click Here To Visit Our Fundraising Page and Claim a Perk! Perks include a set visit to meet Skins star April Pearson, copies of the film on blu-ray and DVD, be an extra in one of two scenes, attend the premiere of the movie with cast and crew, get a copy of the soundtrack on CD, Hollywood makeovers and more!

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